The ball drop在美国各地都有,但最有名的还是纽约时代广场的跨年活动之一,即watching the ball drop in Times Square观看时代广场的水晶球降落。这项活动始于1907年跨年,由《纽约时报》的老板Adolph Ochs组织,现在由Times Square Alliance and Countdown Entertainment公司承办。 时代广场球Times Square Ball坐落于纽约时...
(5)详细的入口list,以及时代广场跨年的全部 Q&A,可以上官网查看 2. 时代广场吃跨年大餐 不想去人堆里挤一晚上,但又想现场亲临时代广场 Ball Drop?那就在时代广场订个餐厅,吃上一顿还能等跨年! 只是,时代广场周围的餐厅,跨年夜都是天~价...
The New York City Police Department said it hada "tremendous" amount of police resources around Times Squareand beyond, as the city prepared for the world famous New Year's Eve ball drop. The department said while there was no credible threat, it was operating in what it called a "heighten...
Where does the ball drop in Times Square? The iconic Times Square New Year's Eve Ball will descend form a flagpole on top of One Times Square, a 25-story building that sits on a city block in the heart of Midtown, Manhattan.
Times Square history is most memorable for the ball dropping every year on December 31. Learn about it's past to understand the improvements and progression of the ball drop NYC New Years Eve 2026 in 355 days
NEW YORK-WithCOVIDcases surging, plans for the New Year's Eve ball drop inTimes Squareare being scaled back. Mayor Bill de Blasio announced new details for the Times Square New Year’s Eve event on Thursday, with additional protections in place. ...
Looking for a way to watch remotely? Here’s how to livestream the 2023 New Year’s Eve countdown and ball drop for free. What TV channels will air the ball drop in Times Square on New Year’s Eve? Watching the Times Square Ball drop is actually an easy...
The iconic ball drop in Times Square this year will be virtual, due to the coronavirus pandemic. NEW YORK - The organizers of the New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square say this year the event will be "virtually enhanced" due to the coronavirus pandemic. They do say that there will...
A new year is upon us, and a live stream of the annual New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square is available for those looking to celebrate it at home.Jonathan Bennett (Mean Girls, Happy Howlidays, Season’s Greetings From Cherry Lane and The Plus One) and Jeremy Hassell, a live...
The ritual of watching a dazzling ball descend from a pole in Times Square has taken place since the early 20th century, when electricity use was so new it seemed like magic.