Expect daytime maximum temperatures of 31°C in Bali in March and very high heat and humidity based on long-term weather averages. There are 8 hours of sunshine per day on average with 17 days with some rainfall and typically 225 mm of rainfall in the month....
Does it rain in Denpasar in January? There are usually 20 days with some rain in Denpasar in January and the average monthly rainfall is 328mm. Denpasar January sunrise & sunset timesBrowse the sunrise and sunset times for Denpasar in January 2026. Select a month to view Denpasar sunrise ...
February:Similar to January, with slightly less rainfall. Ideal for those who enjoy a more laid-back atmosphere. March:The transition month; you’ll see less rain and more sunshine as the dry season approaches. April:The start of the dry season! Perfect for beach lovers and outdoor ac...
Bali boasts a year-around average temperature of 80.2°F, peaking at 81.5°F in March, April, November, its warmest month, and dipping to an average low of 77.5°F in July, the coolest. Rainfall averages at 97.9mm annually, with January seeing the heaviest showers and August, September ...
The stylish, large and comfortable bedroom has a king sized bed and features a cathedral ceiling and tropical style en-suite with rainfall shower. Ginger Suite 3 includes a bath; sensuous. View 1-bedroom Suite Ginger Suites 6 & 7 Two neatly appointed suites on the first floor. Both with ...
Surfing is said to be best during the summer months and due to the lack of rainfall, humidity levels are low. Season Wise Month Wise Summer Season The best time to visit Bali is in the summer. However, the best places to stay in Bali, beach resorts and Bali hotels, can get booked...
Aside from that, June appears to be one of the best months to visit Bali – be that it has the lowest rainfall and also the lowest daily highs – so the weather will be more pleasant and predictable. I hope you enjoy your stay. Thanks Michael Reply to this commentFrequently...
with lower humidity levels and less rainfall, even during the wet months. Temperatures are warm, typically between 28°C to 32°C, and the landscape is characterized by cliffs, scrub, and dry forests. These areas do also face water shortages during dry season, and some hoteliers and villa ...
Surfing is said to be best during the summer months and due to the lack of rainfall, humidity levels are low. Season Wise Month Wise Summer Season The best time to visit Bali is in the summer. However, the best places to stay in Bali, beach resorts and Bali hotels, can get booked...
What is the best month to go to Bali? April to October are the best months that one can plan a trip to the beautiful island of Bali. These are the months that receive the minimum amount of rainfall and allow the visitors to indulge in all the various activities and visit all the out...