Read more » Show All Contributors What do you think ? Headless Roach 2 years ago When my close friend was losing his battle against cancer, he used to stroke his completely bald head and say "you see? hair does not have to be thick to be pretty". I miss him. 2 reply laura...
Texans Eric Huzenlaub and Gordon Harwell developed the process of converted rice (soaking, steaming, and then drying rice to make it white), but it was a partnership with the candy king Forrest Mars Sr. that turned the process into a brand. At a dinner in Chicago later in the 1940s, ...
I was always a sick kid who grew up to be a sick adult. I became really sick in 2010 and it has been a mystery that has been mine alone to solve; no one has traveled with me to see 65 doctors, or see me through all 10 surgeries. There have been a few people who have helped ...
Finally, I handed Duncan a slightly “used” pair of Newton Racing Shoes which is one of the shoes donated by Mr. Jim Lafferty. The following pictures will show how happy this talented kid was after receiving the said shoes: Duncan Wearing The Team Bald Runner Shirt The Happy Duncan While ...