-, 视频播放量 140、弹幕量 0、点赞数 3、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 2、转发人数 0, 视频作者 9秒记英语单词, 作者简介 ·跟读英语单词|速记|趣味·每日学习打卡|坚持|自律·小学中学考试|四六级词汇量,相关视频:9秒记住一个单词|鸟bird,9秒记住一个单词|猩猩oran
The meaning of BALD EAGLE is an eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) of North America that is brown when young with white only on the undersides of the wings but in full adult plumage has white head and neck feathers and a white tail.
Definition of bald eagle noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
Bald eagle是美国的国鸟,它的英文发音是/bɔːld ˈiːɡəl/。秃鹰(bald eagle)是一种大型的猛禽,被广泛认可为美国的象征。它以其雄伟的外貌和强大的飞行能力而闻名。单词"bald"在这里不是指鹰的头顶没有羽毛,而是指其头部羽毛相对较浅,而非与其他部位的深色羽毛...
bald [bɔːld] adj. 秃顶的;光秃的;单调的;无装饰的;(轮胎)磨光的;不加赘述的;简单的;赤裸裸的。可是美国的国鸟bald eagle一般却翻译作“白头鹰”,你看那图片,头顶可不是没毛,而是有茂盛的白毛。 这是为什么呢?很简单,秃了的脑袋上是空“白”的,白色的东西自带闪亮。奥力给大叔或郭冬临大叔或葛优大...
It was for this reason that the famous Benjamin Franklin preferred the wild turkey as America ' s national symbol Nevertheless, the bald eagle remains America's symbol keen [ ki: n 形容词 敏锐的 adult [ 'aedAlt 形容词(人,动物)长成的,成年的 bill[bil] 鸟嘴,(鸟)喙 mammal ' maeml 名词...
The bald eagle(秃鹰) is the symbol of America.In fact,the bald eagle is not really bald.It just has white feathers(羽毛) on its head.The name "bald" is from old English,it means white.In 1782,the bald eagle became the symbol of the Untied States of America. What do they look like...
原來被英文「Bald Eagle」誤導的美國禿鷹應該正名為「白頭海鵰」!原來俗名中的「Bald」其實是源於一個英語的舊詞:「Piebald」,意為「黑白相間的」形容詞,白色的頭尾部及黑色的身驅。白頭海鵰學名「Haliaeet...
baldeagle,即“秃鹰”或更常被称为“白头鹰”,是北美洲特有的一种大型猛禽,也是美国的国鸟。以下是对baldeagle的详细介绍: 一、基本信息与名称来源 白头鹰的英音为[ˌbɔːld ˈiːɡl],美音为[ˌbɔːld ˈiːɡl]。“bald”一词源于古英语中的“balde”,意为“白...
Define American Bald Eagle. American Bald Eagle synonyms, American Bald Eagle pronunciation, American Bald Eagle translation, English dictionary definition of American Bald Eagle. n. A North American eagle characterized by a brownish-black body and a whi