HDR conducted bald eagle monitoring surveys at three proposed wind energy facilities, following USFWS guidelines, between 2014 and 2016. Projects were located in Central Minnesota, Southeast Minnesota and Southeast Iowa. A total of 62 survey points are distributed across the three sites, with each po...
The DEP, with help from a corps of 150 volunteer nest-watchers, says it’s “committed to rigorous post-delisting monitoring of the bald eagle population to maintain the current level of detailed information on location, occupancy, and success of the nesting populat...
HDR conducted bald eagle monitoring surveys at three proposed wind energy facilities, following USFWS guidelines, between 2014 and 2016. Projects were located in Central Minnesota, Southeast Minnesota and Southeast Iowa. A total of 62 survey points are distributed across the three sites, with each ...
We gathered an expert panel of scientists and managers, and implemented a Delphi Process to gather information about the bald eagle monitoring program. Panelists generated a list of means objectives for the monitoring program: minimizing cost, minimizing effort, maximizing the ability to detect change...
Bald eagle nest monitoring in Florida, USA From 2016–2022, Audubon EagleWatch, a community science program, monitored bald eagle nests across the state of Florida (https://cbop.audubon.org/conservation/about-eaglewatch-program); data from four coastal counties with known incidents of early outbr...
Kamman N, Burgess NM, Driscoll CT, Simonin HA, Goodale MW, Linehan J, Estabrook R, Hutcheson M, Major A, Scheuhammer AM (2005) Mercury in freshwater fish of northeast North America - a geographic perspective based on fish tissue monitoring databases. Ecotoxicology 14:163–180. https://doi...
h Given the long life span and territorial fidelity of Bald Eagles, it will require many years of monitoring to determine if the new FWS National Guidelines for protection of Bald Eagle nests will be effective for maintaining current population levels and allowing additional population growth to ...
Dana Bove, with Front Range Nesting Bald Eagle Studies, observes a pair of bald eagles in their nest along Colorado Road 5 near Highway 52 on Feb. 18, 2019, near Frederick. Bove is a retired federal geologist who spends quite a lot of time monitoring, photographing and documenting the act...
Badzinski, Debbie SRichards, IanBadzinski, D.S. 2002. Southern Ontario Bald Eagle Monitoring Project, 2002 report. Unpublished report by Bird Studies Canada to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Canadian Wildlife Service. 16 pages....
bald eagleBayesian hierarchical modeldetection probabilitylong‐term monitoringnest successobservation biasFailure to account for observation error can cause bias in estimators of variables important for wildlife management and conservation, such as abundance, occupancy, and species composition. Therefore, long...