Identification of bald eagle and osprey nests in MinnesotaMathisen, John EMathisen, J. E. 1968. Identification of bald eagle and osprey nests in Minnesota. Loon 40: 113-114.
Optimal parameter identification of supercapacitor model using bald eagle search optimization algorithm BES is proposed to identify the optimal values of the SC parameters-based circuit.Two EDLC SCs with capacitances of 470 F and 1500F are recognized during t... A Nassef,A Fathy,H Rezk,... -...
bald eagle searchoptimizationparameter identificationsolid oxide fuel cellSummary Enhancing the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is an attractive topic for academic research. One of the investigated solutions is to enhance the modeling accuracy. This paper presents a robust strategy based on a bald eagle...
Optimal parameter identification of adaptive fuzzy logic MPPT based-bald eagle search optimization algorithm to boost the performance of PEM fuel cellThe output power of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is dependent on operating temperature and the membrane water content. Changing the operation...
These strategies allow the search agents to explore the search space effectively, ultimately leading to the identification of optimal solutions for complex real-world problems. Step 1: Simulating Exploration: Selecting the Search Area The BESO algorithm mimics the exploration phase of a bald eagle’s...