J. P. Harding of the British Museum (Natural History) as Balanus tulipiformis Ellis. So far as can be ascertained, B. tulipiformis has not previously been reported from any part of the Atlantic coast of Europe. Its distribution is given by Darwin 1 as Sicily, Malta, Malaga (associated...
IN June 1956, a stone carrying a large red barnacle was brought up by a crawler from a depth of about 25 m., between the mouth of the Adour and Cap Breton. The specimen was identified by Dr. J. P. Harding of the British Museum (Natural History) as Balanu
Balanus kondakovi an operculate barnacle was chosen as an experimental material forin-situ characterisation of the adhesive material of its cement apparatus by standard histochemical techniques. Reactions of PAS, LTAS or Alcian Blue with cement were generally negative indicating the absence of polysaccha...
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