In a balance transfer, you open a new credit card account and transfer all or part of your existing credit card balances to it. Some credit cards are promoted for this purpose and may offer low or even 0% interest rates on balance transfers for a certain period, such as 12 or 18 month...
Balance transfers are a money-management strategy that can lead to big savings. Learn about the benefits and negatives of a balance transfer with our guide.
Balance transfers might seem enticing to take advantage of little to no interest but it’s important to know all the terms. Learn more in this guide.
Switching to a balance transfer credit card could save you money in the long run and boost your credit score.
You may negatively impact your credit score.While the transfer itself isn’t likely to impact your credit score, you may see a drop in your score if you transfer a balance without reducing your overall debt. Make sure you’re committed to paying off your balances rather than simply reloading...
Balance transfers can help you pay down debt and avoid paying interest during a promotional period, but they can involve transfer fees and unexpected costs. Unless the new credit card to which balances are transferred has a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) offer on purchases as well, consumers...
15.49% – 25.49% Variable APR on purchases and balance transfers Credit Score Good, Excellent Why we picked it The BankAmericard Credit Card offers one of the longer 0% introductory periods on the market — a 0% intro APR for 18 billing cycles for purchases...
Paying balance transfersexpandable section To keep your promotional rate, you’ll need to make at least your minimum monthly payments on time. If you pay late or miss a payment, you may have to pay fees, lose any promotional offers you have, and it could damage your credit score. If you...
Highlights The Chase Slate Edge Credit Card offers an introductory 0% APR for 18 months on purchases and balance transfers. After that, the variable APR is 20.49% to 29.24% applies. No annual fee No penalty APR Free Credit Score Credit Journey gives you unlimited access to your credit score...
Balance transfers can initially cost you credit score points since you'll typically need to agree to a hard credit check to get approved. Hard credit inquiries can knock a few points off your score each time. A balance transfer could, however, help your score if you're improving your credit...