A balance transfer is when you move credit card debt from a high-interest card to a zero-interest card to save money. Sounds simple enough, and if you’re looking for ways to pay off high-interest credit card debt much faster, there’s hardly a better tool for that purpose. ...
Allows you to pay off debt at a lower interest rate: The biggest allure of a balance transfer is the opportunity to pay off a substantialdebtmore quickly at a low or even zero interest rate. This is true as long as the transfer fee and any other charges, such as an annual fee, don...
Do you want to earn cash back, points or miles? Are you looking for a card with travel or purchase protections? Some balance transfer cards offer perks beyond the zero-interest promotional periods, so these aspects are worth consideration....
Discover U.S. News' picks for the best balance transfer cards. Find the best 0% APR and low interest card offers to save money and pay off your debt.
Learn how to save with zero interest balance transfer credit card offers, and how 0% intro APR balance transfer credit cards can help you pay down debt.
YOUR SAVINGS WITH A BALANCE TRANSFER CREDIT CARD CAN BE LIMITED Moving debt to a balance transfer credit card with a 0% introductory APR period can definitely save you money on interest in the short term, but it’s not without its own costs. Most notably, these cards charge a balance tran...
No-fee balance transfer cards provide interest-free periods ranging from six to 15 months. You should consider how much money you have leftover each month to repay debt and how long it will take to reach a zero balance. This can help you decide if a 6-, 12- or 15-month interest-...
While some credit card companies offer promotional periods with zero or low introductory interest rates, they often apply balance transfer fees, which can impact the overall cost-effectiveness of the transfer. It’s essential for individuals to carefully assess these fees and compare them across diffe...
If you are eligible, you can stand to gain a lot from a balance transfer. Here’s a rundown of the biggest advantages: You’ll pay less interest The most important reason to pursue a balance transfer credit card is to take advantage of a low or 0 percent introductory APR offer. By t...
If you’re considering a balance transfer because you have high-interest debt to pay down, there are some alternatives that help accomplish the same goal. The following moves can help you reduce your debt burden without a balance transfer credit card: Debt avalanche: The debt avalanche has debt...