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- Cold turkey approaches are hard to maintain: We've tried many screen control apps like Opal, ClearSpace and Apple Screen Time. Often, these get uninstalled after 3 days—just like quitting any addictive substance, going cold turkey rarely works. - The key to painlessly building good habits...
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- Cold turkey approaches are hard to maintain: We've tried many screen control apps like Opal, ClearSpace and Apple Screen Time. Often, these get uninstalled after 3 days—just like quitting any addictive substance, going cold turkey rarely works. - The key to painlessly building good habits...
"YELLOW CARD, BUT NO FOUL": THE ROLE OF THE NATIONAL PARLIAMENTS UNDER THE SUBSIDIARITY PROTOCOL AND THE COMMISSION PROPOSAL FOR AN EU REGULATION ON THE RI... "The article analyses the role of the national Parliaments under the Subsidiarity Protocol, taking the recent Commission proposal for ...
- Cold turkey approaches are hard to maintain: We've tried many screen control apps like Opal, ClearSpace and Apple Screen Time. Often, these get uninstalled after 3 days—just like quitting any addictive substance, going cold turkey rarely works. ...
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