Such assetswererecognizedonthe balancesheet of a non-proprietary service and the calculation of depreciation was not required. 最终,一些固定资产 被记入非所有者资产负债表,而且没有进行折旧计算。 ...
Remuneration was done in accordance with local norms and with the approval of our Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP) Accredited IRB to ensure we provided fair compensation without inducement. There were no major changes to the methods after the ...
Participants were asked to undertake two different sets of balance assessments: bi-pedal quiet stance (QST) and the one-legged stance test (OLST). Both balance tests were performed with the eyes open, fixating on a target in front of them; each balance assessment condition was performed three...
special remuneration to the Directors, the grant of a general mandate to the Directors to allot, issue or deal with shares and to enter into agreements for such purposes, and the grant of a general mandate authorising Directors to exercise the power of the Company to repurchaseitsownsecurities....
10 DSP Merrill Lynch Limited In accordance with the provisions of sections 2(51), 196, 197 and 203 of the Act read with rule 8 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and Schedule V of the Act, Mr. Arbind Maheswari (DIN: 07415888) was re-...
This study is supported by Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris and URC national PHRC 2012, promotor code: P120135 / AOM12126, budget: 93,210 euros used for staff remuneration, medical expenses, technical supply and general hotel expenses. Availability of data and materials Not applicableAut...
remuneration of equity instruments (see Note 7.1) Elimination of treasury stock (see Note 7.1) - - (420) - - - - 21,913 - 21,913 (233) (524) - (468) - (41) (1,761) - - - - 7,534 - 7,534 (1,172) - - (9) (9) 30,631 5,781 36,412 1,602 (590) - (66) - ...
按性質分類的開支 銷售成本,售賣及分銷開支及行政開支所 包括的開支分析如下: Changes in inventories of finished goods and work-in-progress Raw materials and consumables used Amortisation of intangible assets Amortisation of land use rights Auditor's remuneration Depreciation on property, plant and equipment...
(iv) Presentation of Per Unit Measures As a result of the classification of all units as financial liabilities, Crombie has no equity instrument; therefore, in accordance with IAS 33 Earnings per Share, there is no denominator for purposes of calculation of per unit measures. (v) Allocation ...
[...] to waiver until termination of loan account The calculation of Total Relationship Balance is the sum of all ASSETS and BORROWINGS that a customer maintains with us . 個人理財總值的計算是將客戶名下以同一個身份證明文件號碼登記的資產及貸款戶口結餘(包括聯名戶口) 合併計算。