bop projects
Changes in India's Balance of Payments in Post Liberalized era : Analytical Study with reference to Corporate Sector Finance IndiaSINGH, RAM
This study applies the balance-of-payments-constrained growth (BPCG) model to India, a large developing country with a relatively low trade to gross domestic product ratio. Rather than assuming similar elasticities of substitution between goods produced in different regions, the study extends the mod...
It is arguable whether the balance of payments is themost important factor limiting the rate of India's economic development, but it will probably at least be agreed that it is α major limiting...doi:10.1007/978-1-349-02166-6_6MacDougall, Donald...
The author is Economic Adviser in the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance of the Government of India, but this paper was written before he took up this government post. The views expressed in this study are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Gover...
The study assesses the impact of the recent Trade policy on India's economic growth, balance of payments and current account deficit. The empirical findings underscore the fact that trade liberalization played a positive role in influencing economic growth of India. The structural shift analysis on ...
Balance of Payments (BOP) – is simply put – the summary of all the ‘economic’ transactions India has had with the rest of the world (ROW) in a financial year. When I say India and economic transactions – I mean to say business entities (individuals
Balance-of-PaymentsAdjustmentinIndia,1970-71to1983-84 MontekSinghAhluwalia* * (WorldDocument,Vol.14,No.8,pp.937-962,1986.PrintedinGreatBritain) 1.INTRODUCTION Incommonwithotheroil-importingdevelopingcountries,Indiaexperiencedasevereexternalshock in1973whenoilpricesquadrupledandagainafter1979,whenoilpricesmore...
Furthermore, we have endeavored to investigate whether a relationship exists between some of the variables in the balance of payments like the flow of FDI and FPI, private transfers and bank's external liabilities, and between capital and current account inflows. 展开 ...
Balance of Payments is made up of 3 components. It helps the Government to analyse a particular industry and formulate policies accordingly. For UPSC 2024 prep, visit BYJU'S website