balance of payments in the Economics topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Economics: words, phrases and expressions | Economics
balance of payments n (Economics) the difference over a given time between total payments to foreign nations, arising from imports of goods and services and transfers abroad of capital, interest, grants, etc, and total receipts from foreign nations, arising from exports of goods and services and...
1.1Internationaltransactions:thebalanceofpaymentsDefinition Thebalanceofpaymentsistherecordoftheeconomicsandfinancialflowsthattakeplaceoveraspecifiedtimeperiodbetweenresidentsandnon-residentsofagivencountry.Note:specifiedtime;resident;flow Table1.1StandardcomponentsofthebalanceofpaymentsCurrentaccountExportsfob-Importsfob=...
17:Balance of payments Definition: Deficit: Export revenue < Import expenditure逆差:出口收入小于进口支出Surplus: Export revenue >Import expenditure顺差:出口收入大于进口支出 Explanation: Exercise: 1:9708/01/M/J/03-25 2:9708/01...
balance of payments accounting- a system that provides quantitative information about finances capital account- (economics) that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's outflow and inflow of financial securities current account- that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's...
In subject area: Economics, Econometrics and Finance The balance of payments is single comprehensive account that records all the transactions between the economic units resident in a country and units resident in the rest of the world. From: International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Scie...
this account scans all the incoming and outgoing of goods and services between countries. all the payments made for raw materials and constructed goods are covered under this account. few other deliveries that are included in this category are from tourism, engineering, stocks, business services, ...
Balance of Payments: Current Account & Measuring Foreign Trade 8:09 Balance of Payment | BOP Definition, Formula & Accounts 7:27 Ch 15. Inflows, Outflows, and... Ch 16. Studying for Economics 102 More Balance of Payments Lessons Net Exports | Definition, Formula & Examples System of ...
1.1Internationaltransactions:thebalanceofpayments Thebalanceofpaymentsistherecordoftheeconomicsandfinancial flowsthattakeplaceoveraspecifiedtimeperiodbetweenresidents andnon-residentsofagivencountry. Definition Note:specifiedtime;resident;flow Table1.1Standardcomponentsofthebalanceofpayments ...