Exactly the totality of economic transactions carried out by a country with the rest of the world is the Balance of Payments. A very important item is its current account. In the context of the global crisis is important, the analysis of the situation and the current account deficit and ...
1) Trade in goods – balance of trade in terms of visible exports and visible imports 2) Trade in services – balance of trade in terms of invisible exports and invisible imports 3) Primary income – net income that received from investments...
Current account deficit and balance of payment Abalanceofpayments(BOP)sheetisanaccountingrecordofallmonetarytransactions(货币型经济业务)betweenacountryandtherestoftheworld.Thesetransactionsincludepaymentsforthecountry‘sexportsandimportsofgoods,services,andfinancialcapital(金融资本),aswellasfinancialtransfers(转移...
While there is reason to expect a deterioration in the balance-of-payments current account compared to 2009, mostly as a result of an upturn in imports, the availability of external financing, together with increased FDI inflows, will probably suffice not only to cover this larger deficit, but ...
If the value of the credit items on a particular balance of payments account exceeds (is less than) that of the debit items, a surplus (deficit) exists. 4. The current account is the sum of the merchandise, services, primary income, and secondary income accounts. 5. Current account defic...
balance of payments n. 贸易支付差额 current payments 经常性付款,经常性付款,经常性支付,经常性支付 balance of payments credits and debits 借贷收付平衡 statement of the balance of payments 国际收支平衡表见balance of payments. balance of payments deficit 【法】 收支逆差 balance of payments diseq...
The deficitonthebalance-of-payments current accountwidened again slightly, partly owing to rising goods imports (23.2 [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 国际收支经常账户的赤字再次略有增加,其部分原因是有些国家的内需不断 增加,货币增值,促使进口货物(23.2%)增加。
The Balance of Payments (BOP)为“the balance of international payments”,即“国际收支平衡表”,反映一定时期一国(或地区)同外国的全部经济往来的收支流量表。是对一个国家与其他国家进行经济技术交流过程中所发生的贸易、非贸易、资本往来以及储备资产的实际动态所作的系统记录,是国际收支核算的重要工具。
2) Current account revenue and expenditure 经常账户收支 例句>> 3) capital account of the balance of payments 国际收支资本账户4) Actual Current Account 实际经常账户5) Current Account 经常账户 1. Toward Sustainability of U.S. Current Account Deficit: an Alternative Approach; 美国经常账户...
Balance of payments equilibrium 国际收支平衡 浮动汇率制下,货币的供给永远等于货币的需求,国际收支为零。 所以经常账户current account出现赤字deficit,金融/资本账户financial/capital account就会出现盈余surplus。 如果利率上升,这将导致热钱流入英国hot money,...