1. Balance of payment: a record of a country's economic transaction with the rest of the world over a year. 注意只记录钱的流向! 2.All trades are accounted for in the BOP in order to determine how much money is going in and out of ...
国际金融学课件:Lecture 3 The Balance of Payments.ppt,INTERNATIONALFINANCIALMANAGEMENTEUN / RESNICKSecond Edition3 The Balance of Payments(Chapter 3) Essential ReadingsThe Whole Chapter1 Main Contents The Concept of Balance of Payments Balance of Payment
aIt refers not only to a piece of real estate where we might build a factory,but it also means all the raw materials used for production. 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] aThe path is worth following 道路值得跟随[translate] aHJHHHJJJJHIGYYFFYYUHGUHHHHGUUHGU 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] ...
Related to Balance of Payment:balance of trade,current account balance of payments n. A systematic record of a nation's total payments to foreign countries, including the price of imports and the outflow of capital and gold, along with the total receipts from abroad, including the price of ...
The transactions are presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping. There can be no surplus or deficit in a country’s balance of payments as a whole (as distinguished from its balance of trade) because every payment will have an offsetting receipt. The balance of payments of Japan, ...
paymentsnoun[singular]the difference between the amount of money coming into a country, for example inpaymentfor itsexports, and the amount of money going out, for example to pay for its importsExports are expected to increase in the current quarter, which would improve Britain’s balance of ...
(gifts in kind) or financial assets (money gifts) Private transfer payments Governmental transfers * The balance of international payments Two categories: Autonomous Transactions Compensatory Transactions The balance of payment equilibrium means the equilibrium on autonomous transactions excluding compensatory ...
《国际金融课件》unit 3 balance of payment BalanceofPayments LOGO TheComponentsofBOP ❖SeeP34❖TheInternationalMonetaryFund describestheBOPasthefollowingtable.YOURCOMPANYNAMEorYOURSITEADDRESSLOGO TheComponentsofBOP YOURCOMPANYNAMEorYOURSITEADDRESSLOGO TheComponentsofBOP ❖Itconsistsoftwomajoraccounts,the...
paymenttoforeigners currencyoutflow Credit>debit(+)Debit>credit(-)10.Double-entrybookkeeping复式薄记Double-entrybookkeepingmeanseachinternationaltradeisrecordedtwiceintheBOPaccount,onceasacreditandonceasadebitofanequalamount.10.若用简单会计分录时应作三笔分录,即:1.借:生产成本贷:原材料 25000 ...
balanceofpayment优秀讲义.ppt,Chapter 1 Balance of Payment Learning Requests: Master the meanings of balance of payment (BOP) and BOP account, comprehend contents of BOP account, understand the reasons of disequilibrium of balance of payment and its influ