1. Balance of payment: a record of a country's economic transaction with the rest of the world over a year. 注意只记录钱的流向! 2.All trades are accounted for in the BOP in order to determine how much money is going in and out of ...
The current account balance of payment is one of the two main parts of thebalance of payments accounts. It records the transactions that relate to the import and export of goods and services across the borders of the nation over a specific period of time. The transactions are usually with mu...
There is a golden rule with the three Balance of payments accounts. The components of the capital account and financial account should sum up and be equal to the current account. A BOP will be in equilibrium when we achieve this condition. Also, the sum of all three accounts should be equ...
Balance of Payments: Current Account & Measuring Foreign Trade from Chapter 14 / Lesson 7 36K Foreign trade is one key indicator of economic health. Read about the four main foreign trade components of the current account, learn how to measure and calculate the current account...
TheComponentsofBOP ❖Itconsistsoftwomajoraccounts,thecurrentaccount(经常性账户)andthecapitalandfinancialaccount(资本与金融项目).YOURCOMPANYNAMEorYOURSITEADDRESSLOGO CurrentAccount ❖SeeP35-36❖TheTradeBalance贸易平衡❖Non-FinancialServices服务贸易❖InvestmentIncome投资效益❖UnrequitedTransfers免费赠予 YOUR...
The balance of payments administers the principle of double-entry accounting; transactions and accounts are divided into credit and debit. While it will always be in balance, imbalances are possible on individual elements. Principal components of this statement are the current account and the capital...
国际金融(英文版)Chapter1BalanceofPayment 1.1Internationaltransactions:thebalanceofpayments Table1.1Standardcomponentsofthebalanceofpayments CurrentaccountExportsfob-Importsfob=Tradebalance+Exportsofnon-financialservices-Importsofnon-financialservices+Investmentincome(credit)-Investmentincome(debit)+(-)Private...
000 from investors, its assets will increase by that amount, as will its shareholder equity. All revenues the company generates in excess of its expenses will go into the shareholder equity account. These revenues will be balanced on the assets side, appearing as cash, investments, inventory, ...
special header. Make sure that this header contains a Stripe account ID, which usually starts with the range indicate success. Codes in the expandrequest parameter. This parameter is available on all API requests, and applies to the response of that request only. You can expand responses in tw...
Balanceofpayments 1.1Internationaltransactions:thebalanceofpayments Thebalanceofpaymentsistherecordoftheeconomicsandfinancialflowsthattakeplaceoveraspecifiedtimeperiodbetweenresidentsandnon-residentsofagivencountry.Table1.1Standardcomponentsofthebalanceofpayments CurrentaccountExportsfob-Importsfob=...