Just because a company has a record of BBB complaints, this doesn't necessarily mean it's bogus. It can be a red flag, however, that might prevent someone else from jumping in and getting scammed or having a bad experience. The key is to determine the nature of the complaint and the ...
Jinich finds balance outside of work by embracing the outdoors, whether she’s cycling with her kids or volunteering on the board of a nonprofit summer camp. She believes that being in nature and staying active are essential for self-care, enabling her to better support others. ...
I had to prove over and over thatin spite of having virtually no relationship nor communication with my parents, they had indeed granted me control of their livesfor this very instance that these events called for.
Concerning the role of demands across both life domains, we again build on the propositions of job demands-resources theory. Therefore, demands are proposed to be positively associated with strain (e.g., exhaustion, health complaints). Furthermore, demands buffer the positive association of resource...
Vaginal cultures for BV diagnosis generally lack positive predictive value or diagnostic value as the infection itself usually is polymicrobial in nature [111,169,170]. Also, bearing in mind that performing conventional bacteria culture can be challenging to observe fastidious microbes and is time-...