This article is all about the structure of the ear and how it functions to help maintain the balance and equilibrium of the body.
总的来说,'balance'(平衡)更常用于描述生活中的稳定状态,而'equilibrium'(平衡)则更常用于科学和技术领域,强调物体或系统在各个方面的完全平衡状态。 MurasakiLaperaPeni_n 2023年10月2日 英语(美国) They can both mean the same, except "equilibrium " can also refer to part of the inner ear that ...
The article discusses how electronic implants in the inner ear of some patients who experience disabling unsteadiness as a result of damage to the vestibular labyrinth may one day restore their vision and equilibrium. The bionic ear works by providing stability through the electronic stimulation of ...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 stat•o•cyst (ˈstæt əˌsɪst) n. an organ of equilibrium in certain invertebrates, consisting of a fluid-filled...
Question: Balance is sensed by the: a. retina b. motor neurons c. brain stem d. inner ear Equilibrium: Equilibrium and balance are important properties for larger organisms to have in order to maintain their upright positions and carry out normal everyday tasks. Ans...
Audiology A disturbance in equilibrium due to a disruption of the labryrinth. See Equilibrium. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit ...
Balance refers to maintain a certain equilibrium, which in humans as well as other animals involves maintaining a stable orientation in terms of which way is towards the Earth's gravitational center, which direction is away from it, and the li...
3.Normal quantities, concentrations, and proportionate amounts of bodily constituents. 4.The difference between intake and use, storage, or excretion of a substance by the body. See also:equilibrium 5.The act of maintaining an upright posture in standing or locomotion. ...
Quantitative testing showed that the majority failed to maintain balance in vestibular-related conditions and had normal equilibrium scores in conditions relying on somatosensory input. Vestibular dysfunction should be an immediate consideration in patients with diabetes and complaints of dizziness regardless ...
Describe the role of auditory ossicles and the muscles of the middle ear in hearing. Give the term for listening to sound(s) within the human body. How does the ear work in hearing sound? Describe the anatomical ways in which audition and equilibrium are similar. What is the term f...