Challenging Balance Programs for Older Adults Functioning at a High LevelLewis, CaroleMcAllister, LindaGeriNotes
The goal ofbalanceexercises is to improve stability and coordination throughout your body. Balance helps you stay upright as you do activities like walking, biking, climbing stairs, or dancing. It’s important to do exercises that improve your balance, even as you get older. Having good balance...
Since falls are a frequent obstruction to independent living among elderly persons, there has been a growing consciousness of the incidence of falls which has led to the development of a lot of community-based fall prevention programs for older adults. Yet, the potential impact of these programs...
Balance control is essential to avoid falls during daily-life activities. Impaired balance control due to aging results in falls, injuries, and loss of independence in older adults (World Health Organization, 2007). To resolve this issue, it is important to understand how balance control works an...
Approximately 35% of community-dwelling older adults1 and 39% of individuals living with Parkinson’s disease (PD)2 fall at least once per year. Risk of falling has been shown to limit participation in daily activities among older adults and may increase one’s risk of falling.3 Many patient...
Falls are common throughout a life span; however, they become particularly dangerous as people age. Serious injuries, such as hip fractures, traumatic brain injuries, and death, frequently occur to older adults as a result of falls. As such, the importan
BACKGROUND: Age-related declines in balance and walking ability are major risk factors for falls. Older adults reduce the dynamic components of walking in an effort to achieve a more stable walking pattern. Tae Kwon Do is an exercise that trains dynamic components of balance and walking that di...
Hence, if balance impairment and fear of falling persist or even escalate, it may hinder older adults with PD to increase their PA, even if motivation to do so exists. Fortunately, there is evidence of beneficial effects of balance training on gait-related activities [12–14]. The HiBalance...
3. Delay in onset of arm reactions and slowing of arm movement: Older adults show delays in the time taken to initiate and complete a compensatory grasping reaction, and this tendency is predictive of falling [25]. In order to train faster reaction and movement times for grasping reactions, ...
Twelve healthy older adults (aged >70 years) were randomly divided into two groups. The experimental group completed training using Nintendo's Wii Fit game three times a week for 3 weeks while the control group continued with normal activities. Four clinical measures of balance were assessed ...