Nowadays, there is a tendency that publics use raw materials which are contained a high concentration of NORM as building material. Therefore, exposure to radiation from natural radioactiviy in building materials such as house and or offices are increasing significantly. Since, it is necessary to ...
Politics of law in determination of the standards as a preventive instrument of the pollution is based on Article 28H verse (1) of the Indonesian Constitution 1945 states that healthy and good environment is a human rights that should be guaranteed, Article 33 of the Act also provides that ...
Penambahan mocaf yang mengandung pati cukup tinggi dapat membantu mempertahankan kerenyahan flake.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui lightness, hue, daya serap air, dan waktu rehidrasi flake tepung jagung, tepung ampas tahu dan mocaf. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tiga tahap, yaitu: 1) ...
PENGOLAHAN AIR LIMBAH DOMESTIK\\\udMENGGUNAKAN MEDIUM TANAH\\\udDALAM SISTEM LAHAN BASAH\\\ud The research for treating domestic wastewater using soil medium in a wetland system has been done, with modificated the system without using the aquatic plants. This research has a purpose in stuying...