Dedicate a section of your kitchen for baking supplies. This includes ingredients, baking pans, and mixing bowls. Labeling the shelves can help you quickly find what you need. If you’re limited on space, consider adding shelves or storage bins. You may also need cooling racks, spatulas, an...
I’ve bought the supplies and they’ve been sitting in my atelier for several months now. It’s a sweet pattern and I love to give it as gifts. I think they’ll appreciate it. I sat down at my desk and cast on the first “lobe” of the heart at around 3pm. The heart pattern...
I found the flour in a low cupboard with other baking supplies and packages of pasta. While I was looking for it, I found a jar of bright white powder. I read the label pasted on the jar lid: “Powdered sugar, pretty much ant-free.” I laughed out loud and have been telling the ...
The longer week will also position us to better meet holiday demand since customers will have another day in the week to stock up on supplies. That said, this week we will be taking advance orders for various rolls and breads prior to Thanksgiving, which falls on Nov. 24 this year. See...