Baki the Grappler: With Bob Carter, Masami Kikuchi, Robert McCollum, Naomi Kusumi. Baki Hanma competes in an underground fighting tournament organized by Tokugawa. Masters of various fighting styles come from all over the world in order to determine who
Grappler Baki: The Ultimate Fighter is one of two Baki OVAs that were released throughout the anime's history. The other is Baki: Most Evil Death Row Convicts Special Anime, which is a 15 minute anime that was released on a DVD bundled with a volume of the Baki manga. This OVA takes...
Storyline Edit Plot Summary Tokugawa announces his plans for a world martial arts tournament, and fighters from around the world gather for it. In the first fight of round one in the A-Block, Baki fights Artemis Reagan, a professional wrestler; in the second fight of round one in the A-...
Baki Hanma (範馬 刃牙, Hanma Baki) is the protagonist of the Baki the Grappler franchise. At thirteen, he decided to take his training into his own hands to perform more intense training in his father's footsteps. He later aims to defeat him. Baki first
Baki: New Grappler Baki Author(s): Itagaki Keisuke Genre(s): Action – Martial arts – Mature – Psychological – Shounen – Sports Status: Completed Synopsis: Hanma Baki (named “Wild Fang” by his father) is a boy born under an unlucky star. Since the day of his birth, Baki has bee...
Kaiou Retsu (烈 海王, Retsu Kaiō; Chinese pinyin: Liè Hǎiwáng) is a fictional character in the Baki the Grappler anime and manga series. He was a very accomplished fighter of Chinese Kenpo and a friend of Katsumi Orochi. At first, he was an antagonis
Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre: With Troy Baker, Kirk Thornton, Mick Wingert, Ray Chase. To gain the skills he needs to surpass his powerful father, Baki enters Arizona State Prison to take on the notorious inmate known as Mr. Unchained.
Baki: With Tôru Furuya, Kirk Thornton, Troy Baker, Nobunaga Shimazaki. The protagonist, Baki Hanma, trains with an intense focus to become strong enough to surpass his father, Yujiro Hanma, the strongest fighter in the world.
Storyline EditDid you know Edit Trivia Spin off from Baki the Grappler and Baki series. Connections Follows Baki the Grappler (2001) User reviews67 Review Featured review8/10 What's more ridiculous than the show is the reviewers The whole point of the show was characters performing ridiculous ...
stronger than their Father. The reason why Baki and Jack Hanma have such a strong hatred toward their father is because they were both conceived out of rape. The show doesn't show this but it is mentioned as the reason why Yujiro is seen as evil by most of the characters. Baki and ...