Baki: New Grappler Baki Author(s): Itagaki Keisuke Genre(s): Action – Martial arts – Mature – Psychological – Shounen – Sports Status: Completed Synopsis: Hanma Baki (named “Wild Fang” by his father) is a boy born under an unlucky star. Since the day of his birth, Baki has bee...
Baki The Grappler has joined the cast of Street Fighter 6 in an unexpected way. ByEvan Valentine Anime 08.25.23 Baki Hanma: Who Won The Father/Son War? Baki Hanma’s second season has come to an end, so who won the fight between father and son?
7.5Baki the Grappler Watchlist 6.1Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf Watchlist 7.2Baki Watchlist 6.8Gurappurâ Baki Watchlist 8.3Kaiju No. 8 Watchlist 7.1Ninja Kamui Watchlist 6.5Shûmatsu no Valkyrie Watchlist 7.0Terminator Zero Watchlist 7.5Wind Breaker Watchlist Storyline EditDid...
Baki the Grappler Titoli salvati 6,1Garouden: The Way of the Lone Wolf Titoli salvati 7,2Baki Titoli salvati 6,8Gurappurâ Baki Titoli salvati 8,3Kaiju No. 8 Titoli salvati 7,1Ninja Kamui Titoli salvati 6,5Record of Ragnarok Titoli salvati 7,0Terminator Zero Titoli ...