Read Baki / New Grappler Baki / Hanma Baki Manga Online in High Quality Baki Baki: New Grappler Baki Author(s): Itagaki Keisuke Genre(s): Action – Martial arts – Mature – Psychological – Shounen – Sports Status: Completed Synopsis: Hanma Baki (named “Wild Fang” by his father) is...
Ask Baki!! (刃牙に訊け!!) is the twelfth chapter of Baki the Grappler manga series. Kinuyo Matsumoto Baki Hanma Musashi Kozue Matsumoto Takayama (debut)
Side question: Why did they do this one first, instead of Grappler Baki? Now I have to read it backwards.. ... Last updated17 years ago Was this comment useful?YesNo It's not nearly the senseless fighting manga you've thought