Baki the Grappler is a famous manga and anime series created by Keisuke Itagaki. The series has branched five sequels: Baki, Hanma Baki, Baki-Dou, Baki Dou and Baki Rahen. The series is about Baki Hanma trying to become strong enough to beat his father, Yuujirou Hanma, who is the stro...
Baki Creator Keisuke Itakagi’s Daughter Wrote a Hit New Gen Manga, Had to Hide Her Identity to Beat Nepotism Allegations You might know Keisuke Itagaki, the author of Baki the Grappler, but did you know he has a daughter who is equally as famous as him and in the same field? As it...
the anime is expected to return to Netflix sometime in 2023. The new season will focus on a primitive character called Pickle, who is described as “a powerful enemy and an ancient proto-human.”