Revised Diverted Profits Tax Legislation Published Today - Are the Changes Good?Alex Chadwick
Australian Resource Super Profits TaxAmrit MacIntyre
Hong Kong is Becoming More Investment-Friendly by Granting a Profits Tax Exemption to Offshore Private Equity FundsJosephine ChukNoam Noked
Bribes and Secret Profits: The Significance for Bankers and TrusteesAndrew KeltieCharles M. Thomson
2; Sol Picciotto, The UK's Diverted Profits Tax: Admission of Defeat or Pre-Emptive Strike?, 2015 WTD 12-12 (20 Jan. 2015); David Stewart & Stephanie Soong Johnston, The UK Gov- ernment Reveals Details of Diverted Profits Tax, 2014 WTD 238-1 (11 Dec. 2014); Amanda Athanasiou, U...
When Do Enhancement Activities of Real Estate Can Prove a Change of Intention that Triggers Profits Tax on a Subsequent Sale?Pierre T.H. ChanSteven R. Sieker