What's New Updated Till : 07/11/2024 Event Calender <2024 November> MTWTFSS 28293031123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 2526272829301 2345678 Our Services Auditing & Assurance Statutory audits under companies act, Audit under Income Tax Act, VAT audit, Services tax audit ...
promoted by Bajaj Capital Group, has collaborated with Ansal University to form Bajaj Centre of Excellence in Entrepreneurship to offer ICoFP’s world class finance and fashion courses namely MBA in Financial Planning, MBA in Financial Analysis along with MBA in Fashion Design & Entrepreneurs...
13 Year 2003 concerning the settlement of labor dismissal and the stipulation of severance pay, gratuity, and compensation in companies. The provision for 2013 is prepared by PT Dian Artha Tama while the Company prepared his own calculation for 2014, because there are only 4 employees left in ...
India Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra Sole Global Co-ordinator and Book Running Lead Manager to the Offering, in this case being, Edelweiss Capital Limited Conventional and General Terms/ Abbreviations Term/Abbreviation AS AY BOLT BSE BIFR CAGR CDSL CIN Civil Code Companies Act Full Form Accounti...