2021 星期日 1月10日 (日) Majority Rule Day Public Holiday 2021 星期一 1月11日 (一) Majority Rule Day observed Public Holiday 2022 星期一 1月10日 (一) Majority Rule Day Public Holiday 2023 星期二 1月10日 (二) Majority Rule Day Public Holiday 2024 星期三 1月10日 (三) Majority Rule...
1 January New Year’s Day 10 January Majority Rule Day 18 April Good Friday 21 April Easter Monday 6 June Randol Fawkes/Labour Day 9 June Whit Monday 10 July Independence Day 4 August Emancipation Day 13 October National Heroes Day 25 December Christmas Day 26 December Boxing DayFollow us S...
1 JanNew Year's Day 10 JanMajority Rule Day 14 FebValentine's Day 29 MarGood Friday 31 MarEaster Sunday 1 AprEaster Monday 12 MayMothers' Day 19 MayWhit Sunday 20 MayWhit Monday 7 JunRandol Fawkes Labour Day 16 JunFathers' Day
Majority Rule Day Jan 10,is in 27 days. The Bahamas gained majority rule for the first time on January 10th 1967 Good Friday Apr 18,is in 125 days. Good Friday occurs on the Friday before Easter. The day commemorates the Crucifixion of ... ...
14th October, MondayNational Heroes Day Add To Calendar List of National and Regional Public Holidays of The Bahamas in 2023 DAYDATEHOLIDAY SundayJan 01, 2023New Year's Day MondayJan 02, 2023New Year Holiday TuesdayJan 10, 2023Majority Rule Day ...
Key events:Junkanoo Winter Festival, New Year’s Day Sailing Regatta, Majority Rule Day, Annual Bahamas Wahoo Championships. February is a good time for diving February brings an annual migration of great hammerhead sharks to Bimini, drawing divers from around the world to the warm waters midway...
MAJORITY RULE DAY 10th January 2003 marked the 36th anniversary of Majority Rule in The Bahamas. One hundred and thirty four years after the abolition of slavery, the descendants of the slaves were able to accomplish the power of governing the country. The country has progressed since to full...
On July 10, 1973,The Bahamas became a free and sovereign country, ending 325 years of peaceful British rule. However, The Bahamas is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and we celebrate July 10th as Bahamian Independence Day. Who was the Bahamas colonized by?
The soft white sand ofCable Beachin Nassau is popular with people who want to relax or spend the day trying out new water sports (martini sipping is optional). The Bahamas is home to some of the few pink sand beaches in the world, and one such beach, aptly namedPink Sand Beach, stret...
There were a few standout service experiences, a great bartender at the Swimming Pig restaurant, a great waiter by the pool one day and friendly staff at Starbucks but in general the service was lacking and much of the staff seemed almost annoyed with you. At the ...