Jenn in NC So which BAH do they mean when your orders say: Member may be entitled to BAH I. Also I’ve seen orders say: Member is entitled to BAS type S. What are these two and how do I know what the rate on them is? ReplyPrimary...
List of films and other time-based works. Works available to be seen online have clickable titles.For Chuck Johnson (2024) 50 minutes, Super 8 to video, color & b/w. Ground Wave (2024) 7 minutes, Super 8 to video, b/w, music by Chuck Johnson 3BPM (2024) 28 minutes, Super 8 ...
在美军服役的新兵工资主要取决于军衔、服役时间和是否有其他补贴(如住房补贴、伙食补贴等)。以下是大致信息,基于2024年美国军人工资标准: 基本工资(Basic Pay) 1. E-1级别(新兵): 0-4个月服务时间:每月约 $1,9 - jacky于20241118发布在抖音,已经收获了9555个