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Rhyzopertha dominicaLong term storageResurgenceThe PICS bags, originally developed for cowpea storage, were evaluated for sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) preservation. Batches of 25kg of sorghum grain were stored in 50kg PICS or polypropylene (PP) bags under ambient conditions for 12 months and assessed ...
aFurniture Assembly Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth 家具汇编悉尼墨尔本布里斯班珀斯 [translate] aTwo vertical lines with arrows in between=distance 二条垂直线与箭头介于中间的=distance [translate] acrossed 横渡 [translate] a1 teaspoon daily 1个茶匙每日 [translate] aelectric machine 电机器 [translate] ...
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Georgina "Gina" Hope Rinehart was born on 9th February, 1954 in Perth, Western Australia, to Hope Margaret Nicholas and Lang Hancock, the mining king. Her father discovered one of the world's biggest reserves in the early 1950s. Gina gained lots of knowledge of the iron-ore industry while...
Perth childcare worker who inflicted wounds on children's faces given suspended jail term VICPOL Latest Vidios Margot Robbie in Wolf of Wall Street had one of the most paused movie moments of all time How to Remove the Purple, Blue, or Green Colour from Toned Hair? Rebuilding Student Suppo...