Bagheera is the tritagonist of Disney's 1967 animated feature film, The Jungle Book. He is an honorable, albeit short-tempered panther that served as the guardian of the "man-cub", Mowgli. To protect Mowgli from the threat of the murderous tiger, Shere K
Bagheera Books:City of the Plague God|Fury of the Dragon Goddess Main Characters:Sikander Aziz|Gilgamesh|Belet Amari|Mohammed Aziz|Daoud|Rabisu Secondary Characters:Kasusu|Sidana|Idiptu|Nadeem Aziz|Mina Aziz|Sargon Minor Characters:Tirid|Ada|Humbaba|Zack|Hobbs|Clyde|Mr. Georiou|Bagheera|Shere ...