Factory Custom Stand up Plastic Zip Lock Packing Bag Coffee Tea Biscuit Sugar Peanut Candy Packaging Bag with Zipper US$0.05-0.55 5,000 Pieces (MOQ) Factory Wholesale Supermarket Shopping Plastic Bag Thank You Logo Printed Custom Size Color Hook T-Shirt Bags Roll Vest Plastic Shop...
[20春夏] ARAC.9/ARAC.9 sugarbag 系列粉色单肩包数据集2.8 基础信息: 数据集ID:38837 分类ID:137147 数据集版本:V1.0 图像数量:4 数据特征: 标注类型:2D矩形框 数据集格式:JSON Label数量:26 Label特点:API动态更新 立即购买 注-数据集使用方式: 1、支持数据集下载,本地化应用。(不支持Attribute动态更新...
gobag.png Add 'colections' and 'maps' packages with helpers functions Jan 28, 2023 Repository files navigation README MIT licenseGoBag The GoBag library is a set of helpers and types which is basically just a bunch of syntax sugar for Golang.Pull...
aNo yeast,wheat,gluten,milk or milk derivatives,lactose,sugar,artilicial color. 没有酵母、麦子、面筋、牛奶或者牛奶衍生物,乳糖,糖, artilicial颜色。[translate] ago to the ocean 去海洋[translate] ai know your gorgeous lady 我知道您华美的夫人[translate] ...
resolve the dependency on cppsugar June 29, 2014 12:12 README.md Update README.md July 9, 2014 10:07 index.cpp initial import June 29, 2014 12:03 search.cpp initial import June 29, 2014 12:03 This is a basic implementation of the Bag of (Visual) Words approach (BoW) for image ...
More Sleeping Bag Sleep Style icons bag 425 3549 bag 446 2355 bag 317 1788 bag 451 3052 bag 260 1683 bag 137 2729 bag 443 2696 bag 494 1957 bag 387 4703 bag 127 3787 Sleeping Bag Sleep Icons Packsmarshmallow campfire food sugar candy 339 3296 compass navigation ocean ...
We offer these bags in different forms and finishes such as PE lining, laminated, unlaminated and BOPP woven bags which are especially used for the packaging needs of food grains, sugar, flour, animal feed etc. Our polypropylene fabric can be produced exactly to the required tubular length ...
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Jay Sugarman, (CEO) of iStar Financial, leads this group including Christopher F. Buccini, Robert Buccini, and David B. Pollin – co-founders of the Buccini/Pollin Group; Joseph J. Greco, chairman of the RevSpring technology company and president of Premier Management Services; and David Selt...
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