It's often used when a person is stressing that something should be done before any other matter is addressed. It can also be used similar to the "Before anyone else" meaning when communicating that a person is more important than anything else in the world.ExampleBAE...
MeaningCloud (Independent Publisher) Medallia Medium MeetingRoomMap Meisterplan Meme (Independent Publisher) Mensagia Mensagia (Independent Publisher) MessageBird SMS (Independent Publisher) Metatask Michael Scott Quotes (Independent Publisher) Microsoft 365 compliance Microsoft 365 message center Microsoft Booki...
aIts name YOAP White House comes from Korea word yoap, meaning just around or nearby. This small housing will stand in the corner site of old resident area of Bangbae-dong, giving intimate image like its name. 它的名字YOAP白宫来自韩国词yoap,或附近意味。 这套小住房在Bangbae东老常驻区壁角...
Tissue firmness data also provided supporting evidence for the reduction in maceration. Growth and spread of the pathogen through the root tissues decreased due to this effect on tissue maceration.AtcharaDepartmentChatkaewDepartmentJongkeeDepartmentKim...
| 这个问题困恼了许久,升级系统出来一个“显示更多选项”菜单,作为一名IT,凭空多出了很多点击鼠标的工作量,关又关不掉,动用了ChatGPT也没解决。尝试了各种方法都没有解决,今天总算是解决了。亲测下面的方法可靠。解决方法如下,我们目标是恢复到win10的菜单。以管理员身份运行 Power Shell恢复到win10reg add "HKC...
In its original meaning, decentralized network means that there is no central authority or any other point of centralization in the network, other than network protocols specification. The advantage of decentralized networks is that they are resilient to censorship and to the provider going...
You can find the supported parameters here, or in the open API specification of TGI in the swagger documentation The HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta is a conversational chat model, meaning we can chat with it using a prompt structure like the following: <|system|>\nYou...
Most are self-reported, meaning the results are based on questions participants answer about themselves. So it’s easy to lie, but even with the best intentions, objective self-evaluation is tricky. 大多数是自我报告的,这意味着结果...
By a “detectable moiety” we include the meaning that the moiety is one which, when located at the target site following administration of the compound of the invention into a patient, may be detected, typically non-invasively from outside the body and the site of the target located. Thus...
Simple as the picture is, the author intends to convey much more complicated and profound meaning. The purpose of the drawer is to show that mobile payment is playing a significant role in our life. Nowadays, with the development and progress of society, advanced mobile payment technology are ...