giving the opponent time to reach the shuttle making the shot ineffective. The proper technique involves the face of the racket slicing the head of the shuttle. This slicing motion allows for deceptive placements of the shuttle because the shuttle does not necessarily fly towards the direction of...
Badminton Attacking Clear Advanced Badminton Net Shot Advanced Badminton Drop Shot Badminton Drive (or Push) Equipments Badminton Racket Badminton Shoe Badminton String Badminton Grip Badminton Shuttle Badminton Apparel Back to Top English ChineseEnglish...
upper ends of the supporting rods; the time domain of the badminton passing through a net port of the badminton net is limited and meanwhile the height of the badminton passing through the net port of the badminton net is limited, so that the training quality of the drop-shot is improved....
羽毛球技术(Badmintontechnique)羽毛球技术(Badminton technique)Grip skills:In the preparation of the ball, adjust the grip, but not tight grip, force the moment of hitting, middle finger, ring finger and little finger grip racket, thumb and index finger control the direction of the racket.When...
Short-action net kill This is a technique for killing shuttecocks that are close to the net tape. The player uses a very short forwards tapping motion to avoid hitting the net tape (which is a fault). The tapping action makes use of sudden tightening of the fingers to create power. ...
Nettape,whitetape,bandnettopwhiteclothstrip III.battingtechnique 1,aboutgrip Forehandforehand! Backhandbackhand Gripgrip Backhandgripbackhandgrip Forehandgripisholdingtheracket 2,aswingandpitch Backswingpullbackandgetreadytohittheball Deceptionfeint
And of course, there's the smash, a powerful overhead shot that can be almost impossible to return. Each of these shots requires a different technique, and understanding their purpose is essential to fully grasp the dynamics of the game. Beyond the individual shots, understand...
which indicates whether the shuttlecock was hit in front of or behind the player’s body. This factor is commonly utilized by expert coaches to assess a player’s badminton stroke posture and hitting accuracy. It is a generally taught principle that for optimal technique and power, the shuttleco...
backcourthigh,hangs,killsthetechniquethecontest.For beginners,thisisabasicapproachthatmustfirstbelearned. 2)fourcorners,shortandhigh Inthebackcourt,GaoYuanqiu,flatGolfandballinfrontof thenetdrop,pushingandpicktheballaccuratelyattackother sitesaroundthefourcorners,mobilizeeachotheraroundrun ...
We find the best badminton rackets for all playing ranges: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and doubles players. Reviews and buyer's guide