Take a look at some of the top badminton courts in Dubai, so you no longer have to Google “Where can I play badminton in Dubai” or “Badminton court near me” ever again. We have also rounded up some of Dubai’s best places for badminton coaching. Top Badminton Courts in Dubai Pion...
7pm-9pm, every Thursdays, 2 courts, Yok Bin badminton hall, MELAKA. We had one female player joined. Male or female players are welcome. Kindly PM... Thread by:pohose,Aug 15, 2017, 1 replies, in forum:Malaysia Thread Badminton Court hire and social sessions. Melbourne, Donvale ...
There will be 3 courts for just games only as the other court is for training from 7pm till 8pm then all 4 courts for games. If you want training please join the other meet up sessions available. Any queries please don't hesitate to contact me. All levels are welcome. PARKING: Parking...