4. For all purposes as required by law, including without limitation court proceedings, criminal investigations or prosecutions or where so ordered by any competent authority; 5. In connection with any proposed novation, assignment, transfer, sale, lease, license, partnership, joint-organizing and/o...
He retains his ardour for the game, making it a point to sweat it out at the Penang YMCA badminton hall once every week. An octogenarian on court wielding a racquet is a rare sight, in badminton or any other sport. Kew San enjoying himself at the badminton court. Because of his advance...
Saman, Playing badminton without mask in USJ3 😇😇😇 Truth :No Fine, Just WARNING For Playing Badminton Outdoors! The viral messages are allFALSE. The police did not issue a fine to this family for playing badminton outside their house. Here are the facts… Fact #1 :This Incident Hap...
Badminton •1.Theorigin•2.Theterms•3.Therulesandmatches•4.Theevents•5.Famousplayers•6.Thebenefits No1.TheoriginBadmintonisnamedafterthetownofBadmintoninEngland.Thegamewasdevisedthereinabout1870(eighteenseventy)andoriginatedfromtheoldchildren’sgameofbattledoreandshuttlecock.Today,badmintonis...
双打 Otherterms •shuttlecock羽毛球•badmintonracket羽毛球拍•net球网•court球场左/右/前/后场双打球场、交换场地•umpire裁判•righttoserve发球权•return回球•netball落网球•letball擦网球 •forehand正/反拍•single单/双/混双打•clear高远球•drop吊球•carry持球•smash扣球•cut切球...