Well, if any of those characters fit your criteria for badassery, you went a little wide of the mark. Throughout history, many men and women exemplified what it truly means to be badass without the assistance of big-budget filming and expensive PR campaigns. When was the last time you sa...
Plenty of Disney fans also choose character names as dog names or for other pets. You might notice that several Disney characters have descriptive names but don’t have traditional first names. Examples include “Prince Charming,”“Fairy Godmother, ”“Grandmother Willow (a talking tree),” and...
I found myself mildly disappointed in a few of you, not gonna shout out names but here is the scoop. Some of あなた are really taking this whole site a little too seriously, the battles over who is who または whos mate is the real deal is really starting to get childish like no ...
Well, OK, at least until the last 10 minutes of the film when she loses her head very dramatically. Epilogue, explaining that Henry married four other ladies, whom he either divorced or had beheaded, except for the last one who survived him only to die tragically a few years later. The ...
Which isn’t to say that nothing was based on reality; some characters were fine, and it was clear that at least a few were backed by some degree of research or lived experience. But even allowing for the heightened reality of larp and the natural tendency towards exaggerated portrayals ...
When it comes to one of the most versatile actresses of the last couple of decades, one of the first names that comes to mind isHalle Berry. From her earlier performances to some of the newer Halle Berry movies, she has continued to show that not only can she act her butt off, but ...
Martin's pen. However, if there's one character who's been relatively unscathed amidst all the bloodshed, it'sDaenerys Targaryen. Played byEmilia Clarke, the dragon queen has been busy kicking ass and taking names all series, proving to be one of the strongest contenders for the Iron ...
I’ve always held a soft spot in my heart for comic books characters who go out there with no inherent super-powers and roll the dice in toe-to-toe combat against genetically-engineered superhuman mutant warriors from some quadrant of space where people are born with the muscular density of...
“Badass” BY SABLEHUNTER Thisisaworkoffiction.Names,characters,placesandincidentsareeitherthe productoftheauthor’simaginationorusedfictitiously,andanyresemblancetoactual persons,livingordead,businessestablishments,eventsorlocalesisentirely coincidental. Copyright©2012SableHunter Allrightsreserved. .sablehunter ...
It's fair to say, therecent announcementofTEMBO THE BADASS ELEPHANTfor every digital platform but the eShop has outraged Nintendo fans. When the SEGA and Game Freak collaboration wasteased last week, we even alluded to the idea that Nintendo systems were ...