Aplikasi prosedur analitis untuk mendukung efektivitas dan efisiensi audit di badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Republik Indonesia 来自 repository.ugm.ac.id 喜欢 0 阅读量: 7 作者: M Kusuma 摘要: The research was conducted to evaluate application of analytical procedures in general audit at BPK-RI...
This thesis aims to solve issues regarding the role of the Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan in conducting an examination of the financial management by the local government in Kabupatean Sleman. The second problem in this thesis is willing to answer ...
bpk.go.idНазваниекомпанииBadan Pemeriksa Keuangan RIСотрудники> 10001ГоловнойофисИндонезия, JakartaГодовойдоход$2M - $5MВсегопосещений5.3MГосударствоиправо > Правител...
IMPLEMENTASI PENGHITUNGAN KERUGIAN KEUANGAN NEGARA\\\udOLEH BADAN PEMERIKSA KEUANGAN (BPK) DALAM PERKARA\\\udTINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI\\\ud(Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor 16/Pid.Sus/2013/P.Tpikor.Yk)This legal research entitles the implementation of ...
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of competence and integrity on the performance's auditors with organizational commitment as intervening variable at Auditorat I.B The Audit Board of Republic of Indonesia. The research uses the quantitative method. The data used i...