Bad to the bone I broke a thousand hearts Before I met you I'll break a thousand more baby Before I am through I wanna be yours pretty baby Yours and yours alone I'm here to tell ya honey That I'm bad to the bone Bad to the bone B b b bad B b b bad B b b bad Bad to...
YLS Jai、Kaizzr - Bad To The Bone (Explicit)
George Thorogood、the destroyers - Bad To The Bone (DONOTUSE)
Bad to the Bone - George Thorogood On the day I was born在我出生的那一天 The nurses all gathered around护士们都聚集在我周围 And they gazed in wide wonder他们都用惊奇的目光注视着我 At the joy they had found他们似乎找到了乐子 The head nurse spoke up护士长开口了 Said leave this ...
otherwise. Turns out Thorogood is pretty adept on acoustic guitar (those paying attention already knew this), and his grizzled vocal is a perfect fit for the song's chippy cadence. On the album itself, it provided a counterpoint to the fusillade of "Bad to the Bone," which comes right ...
otherwise. Turns out Thorogood is pretty adept on acoustic guitar (those paying attention already knew this), and his grizzled vocal is a perfect fit for the song's chippy cadence. On the album itself, it provided a counterpoint to the fusillade of "Bad to the Bone," which comes right ...
ThirteenBad To The Bone21 September 2017 Preview More By Bad To The Bone Live at Melkweg Amsterdam 1990 Live at Melkweg Amsterdam 1990 Bad to the Bone Bad to the Bone Thirteen Thirteen Primitive Urge Primitive Urge Knockout - Single
Live at Melkweg Amsterdam 1990Bad To The Bone24 July 2021 Preview Performing Artists Bad To The Bone Performer Jagger Performer Richards Performer Bad to the Bone Primitive Urge