"The Bad Seed" originated as a novel that was then adapted as a stage play and subsequently a film in 1956 starring Patty McCormack as a precocious pig-tailed little girl who also happened to be a murderous sociopath. In 2018, Lifetime remade that movie with McKenna Grace as the title ...
Ropeisn't Hitchcock's best film, but it's one of his most audacious. With this movie, the master of suspense turns a nail-biting setpiece into a full-length feature, and shows us the ugly flipside of the violent thrillers that made his name. Murder in the movies is usually more about...
Ford is so caught up in making things "humorous" or "touching" that he destroys the dramatic context of the film. For instance, as the 3 bad men each sacrifice themselves for the sake of the girl and her guy at the climax, Ford stages the stand off fights so poorly as to destroy ...
In Response To Commilitia @Commilitia I agree scratch disk is not the issue on your system. Are you able to run Windows Task Manager and see what process is using your CPU at the time of these slow downs? I also notice that some components are installed on a 'D...
Linens n Things Ildar Sagdejev // Wikimedia Commons Linens 'n Things - Category: Housewares and accessories - Year founded: 1975 - Year defunct: 2008 - Lifetime: 33 years Linens 'n Things was a popular niche retailer that sold household items. At its height, it had 589 stores all over...
JT: “I became an artist because I wasn’t really good at anything else. I felt incensed by so much around me and I found that writing, especially lyrics and words and putting those things to music, helped me get out what was inside. I think it’s been ...
Linens n Things Ildar Sagdejev // Wikimedia Commons Linens 'n Things - Category: Housewares and accessories - Year founded: 1975 - Year defunct: 2008 - Lifetime: 33 years Linens 'n Things was a popular niche retailer that sold household items. At its height, it had 589 stores all over...
I admire your documentary short, "What Happened to Her," about how women are often portrayed as dead and nude in films and TV and the impact of that. This film takes a deeper dive at how we look at images of women on screen. Can you talk about your growing interest in this topic ...
A major event happened in June 1920. In June 1920, Hamer's father was sent to prison for a medical accident. As one of the founders of the Communist Party of the United States, Lao hammer paid much attention to the Soviet Union and provided the necessities for the blockaded Bull J Vic...
In 1895, when Keaton was just six months old, and named Joseph Frank Keaton, he fell down a flight of stairs in his family home. Houdini happened to be hanging out with Keaton's family that night (they were vaudville performers), and picked up baby Buster, who was completely fine, ...