The belief that "bad things always happen in threes" may stem from people's tendency to remember and emphasize consecutive不幸 events, while ignoring other times when no不幸 events occurred. This tendency may be rooted in human psychological mechanisms, such as an overemphasis on不幸 events and ...
Matthew Kredell
Bad Things Happen in Threes Of course something had to go wrong. I have to get on the plane stressed, tired and emotional, that's just the way things were planned for me. 1. Brazil My Brazilian visa arrived on Wednesday, 5 days before departure. On closer inspection they had made a t...
坏事成三:Bad things come in threes.意思相反的表达是:Good things come in threes.直译过来是“好事成三”,汉语比较合适的翻译是“好事成双”,这个俗语在英文中选择three只是英语国家的习惯而已。
3 For example, take the belief that "bad things always happen in threes" (just like buses ...!) This popular notion would be unlikely to stand the scrutiny of any scientific study, but it must have some basis in experience, otherwise the phrase would never have arisen in the first place...
Forexample,takethebeliefthat“badthingsalwayshappeninthrees”(justlikebuses...!) Thispopularnotionwouldbeunlikelytostandthescrutinyofanyscientificstudy,butitmusthavesomebasisinexperience,otherwisethephrasewouldneverhaveariseninthefirstplace.Whatmightbetherationalexplanation?Text2Partoftheexplanati44 Thefirstquestio...
3 For example, take the belief that "bad things always happen in threes" ( just like buses …! ) This popular notion would be unlikely to stand the scrutiny of any scientific study, but it must have some basis in experience, otherwise the phrase would never have arisen in the first plac...
Bad things keep happenin' to meBad things come in more than threesBad things, bad thingsI just wannaBad things, bad thingsI wanna, wannaBad things, bad thingsCome on, I wannaBad things, bad thingsI just wanna feel goodGood! I just wanna feel goodGood! I just wanna feel goodGood!
Friday:Rest, wanted a bike ride but it didn’t happen Saturday:Run 12 swampy trail miles, swim Sunday:CrossFit, swim This week was all about change and new routines, although its too early to even settle in to one. Between school starting and me working, I had to reshuffle the deck ...