Then, check each potential breeder’s certifications and inquire about any health guarantees. Are boy or girl Ragdolls better? It depends on your personal preference and requirements. Both male and female Ragdolls are adorable, and the decision to get either is on you! Whatever you choose, you...
原文出自SuPurr Ragdolls(俺家孩子的外祖家,美国比较有历史的专业布偶猫舍之一,出过很多美猫,北美有不少猫舍种猫就是从它家引进的) 个人胡乱翻译,不要纠结俺的语法问题,如果有原则性错误请提出,如果只是细节遣词造句的问题请无视。 虽然只是翻译,也请不要在楼主不同意的情况下转载。 “()”中为无责任吐槽。