Are processed foods bad? Not always! Minimal processing can make healthy eating easier—but watch out for the worst of the worst: ULTRA PROCESSED foods.
Although ultra-processed foods are cheaper and more convenient, Ubbink says smart shopping is key. "It's a balance. Some things work out and help make food safe, increase its shelf life, sometimes make it more nutritious for us. Sometimes if we overdo it, we eliminate essential nutrients an...
telling a conference of food policy experts that ultraprocessed foods are "one of the most complex things I’ve ever dealt with.” But, he concluded, "We’ve got to have the scientific basis and then we’ve got to follow through." In countries like the U.S., it’s hard to avoid h...
Now, new research found links to a bigger slew of heath problems eating—and overeating—ultra-processed foods can cause. In the study, which was published in BMJ, researchers split over 105,000 people into quartiles based on the proportion of ultra-processed food—which they defined as read...
“Do we want to risk our kids getting sicker while we wait for this perfect evidence to emerge?” Prasad said. Earlier this year, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf broached the subject, telling a conference of food policy experts that ultraprocessed foods are “one of the most complex things I...
All things in moderation— even cheesy pizza. Photo: roasted vegetable pizza [with pepperoni under the cheese].” What are your favorite foods? Do you love a food that would be considered “bad”? Do you ever catch yourself putting a “good” or “bad” label on foods?
" Prasad said. Earlier this year, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, MD, broached the subject, telling a conference of food policy experts that ultraprocessed foods are "one of the most complex things I've ever dealt with." But, he concluded, "We've got to have the scientific basis, and ...
While eating mainly unprocessed foods can be hard because processed foods are so prevalent, in the long run, it is one of the best dietary changes you can make. Note:Almost everything that’s bad about canola oil can also be said about other seed-based vegetable oils such as soy, sunflo...
Westinghouse Electric: Trying to Be All Things The pursuit of growth often encourages companies to move beyond theircore competency. However, sometimes, getting away from a core business can be a mistake. Westinghouse Electric Co., founded in 1886, found this out the hard way.1 ...
However, unhealthy foods do increase the risk for obesity, especially in youth, and obesity is a major cause of health problems, Stewart said. "Once you've got heart disease, other things might be more important than diet," Stewart said. ...