(It is there, but obviously lower than the absurd options we still have available. My god. There are so many bad movies that to speed things up I only scraped data on the bad ones … there were like 100 qualifying movies one year, it was an insane time. Anyways. Out of all the mo...
Bottom line: This movie mostly sucks. The action sucks, the acting sucks, and the premise sucks … and yet. For mindless action it is pretty hard to screw things up so badly you don’t at least appreciate the beginning and ending set pieces. If only they could have figured out something...
"One morning, it's useless" sang Jean-Jacques Goldman. Indeed, some mornings would have been better not to see the day, everything goes wrong and your mood becomes horrible. We have listed these things that hit you on the system when you wake up according to your zodiac sign. So, you...
My point here is that, no matter whatever happens to me, I'm here. I did my thing. I could stop playing tomorrow and I wouldn't complain too much because of the blast I've had with my life. Why am I suddenly writing this like I've got cancer? I don't have cancer. I think ...
So if you spend the afternoon on the couch watching Old School, you can still feel good about yourself. 9. Having a pet could reduce your risk of cancer. Via niknak79.tumblr.com Owning a dog or cat reduces your risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, one study found, and the risk is ...