Face off against 7 deadly bosses, each with distinctive attacks that vary from the fire spewing Flamebot and the electrified Orbs to the lethal grip of the Spider and Jack Hammer’s brutal pistons. Defend yourself with 8 robot bustin’ weapons including your trusty Axe, Rifle, Shotgun, explos...
知名电影制作公司Bad Robot的创始人J·J·艾布拉姆斯今天正式宣布,Bad Robot将正式涉足游戏领域,成立Bad Robot Games。 在很多电影片头都能见到坏机器人的Logo 公司的总裁兼首席运营官Brian Weinstein周四宣布,他们将会与腾讯共同打造“坏机器人游戏”,致力于大型独立游戏的开发和创作,面向手机、PC和主机。而娱乐巨头华纳...
Logo text J.J. Abrams‘ Bad Robot banner has expanded into the gaming space. Company president and COO Brian Weinstein announced Thursday that the entertainment production company has entered a strategic relationship with Tencent, the Chinese media giant, to form Bad Robot Games. The partnership ...
Blizzard <3s Bad Robot We finally have a source for the Bad Robot pet from the Patch 5.3 PTR! Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) One of the core values we live by here at Blizzard is “Embrace Your Inner Geek.” We play countless games, we collect comics ...
Explore 170 danger-filled rooms throughout the ship including the Evacuation Bay, Mechanical Shafts and Robot Workshops while the rich sci-fi story unfolds in the Campaign Mode. Engage in combat against more than 2000 deranged robots comprised of several unique types, all programmed to kill you....
美国制片公司Bad Robot旗下游戏部门、Bad Robot Games近日完成了一轮超过4000万美元的融资。本轮融资由Galaxy Interactive领投,Horizons Ventures、Iconiq Capital和腾讯等几家早期投资方也参与了融资。Bad Robot Games设立于2018年6月,在当时就获得了腾讯领投、华纳兄弟互娱参投的一轮投资。Bad Robot Games去年成立...
据GameSpot报道,《星球大战》系列后传电影导演J·J·艾伯拉姆斯创办的游戏公司Bad Robot Games再度筹资,本轮共筹集了4000余万美元,这笔资金将助力后续项目发展。 Bad Robot工作室最近刚刚完成了B轮融资,这轮融资由风投公司Galaxy Interactive领导,包括Horizon Ventures和Iconiq Capital等投资方也参与了本轮融资。该工作室...
By clicking Subscribe Now, you agree to receive emails from TheWrap. You can unsubscribe at any time Subscribe Now Samson Amore Reporter • samson.amore@thewrap.com • Twitter: @Samsonamore You May Also Like Former Trump Campaign Manager Sues Daily Beast for Defamation Over Reporting on His...
Get rid of all the sickos who ship Tim and Moby, because shipping a human boy with a robot is just downright disturbing and gross, not to mention it ruins the educational purpose of the series. In addition, make them stop bashing Tim's canon love interest, a human girl named Rita, and...
美国制片公司Bad Robot旗下游戏部门、Bad Robot Games近日完成了一轮超过4000万美元的融资。本轮融资由Galaxy Interactive领投,Horizons Ventures、Iconiq Capital和腾讯等几家早期投资方也参与了融资。 Bad Robot Games设立于2018年6月,在当时就获得了腾讯领投、华纳兄弟互娱参投的一轮投资。Bad Robot Games去年成立自...