如图所示: 运行测试时返回400,如下图: 找原因找了好久,后来发现原因是接口写的不规范,post方法却将参数放进了URL里面(如下图),导致请求 Bad Request 解决方法:参照上图将参数直接写在路径里面,再次运行即可成功
# 更正后的正确请求:使用json参数自动处理JSON序列化 response = requests.post(url, json=data, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: print('Request succeeded:', response.json()) else: print('Request failed with status code:', response.status_code, 'and reason:', response.reason) ...
Facebook Graph API -the remote server returned an error 400 bad request at system net httpwebrequest getresponse facing error The underlying provider failed on Open. when deploying web application in web server failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied. Failed to convert param...
toString(response.getEntity())微信返回报错信息的代码 之前没有好好去看微信的数字字典,看到这个400查...
toString(response.getEntity())微信返回报错信息的代码 之前没有好好去看微信的数字字典,看到这个400查...
A 400 response means there is a problem with the client making the HTTP request. The community needs the service docs and the client code to figure out what's wrong on the client. The code suddenly return 400. Below is the json string that works before it returned 400 code: ...
出现了 Status Code:Http 400 Bad Request错误的一种原因就是:参数匹配。包括以下两方面: 请求时没有传递必须的参数; 传递的参数类型不匹配,比如areaOrSchoolId需为int型,若传到后台的是string型则也会出现类似的错误。 当然了,这只是400错误的一种表现形式。记录于此,给遇到同样问题的伙伴。
I'm recieving a weird 400 status when I try and filter a get items request dynamically. I'm trying to return Items that were created yesterday to email them to the appropriate parties, but I keep recieving a 400 status when I add the utcNow() function into the Filter query line of...
Status Code: 400 Bad Request Remote Address: Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade 我的users/views.py from rest_framework.views import APIView from .models import User from rest_framework.response import Response from rest_framework.generics import CreateAPIView ...
As you can see, it's not actually a real error, discord.errors.HTTPException: BAD REQUEST (status code: 400). It's a custom error made by discord API. client.send_message: Raises: HTTPException – Sending the message failed. And I also asked the support a while ago regarding this ...