valve oil seal12211-PZ1-004适用于本田发动机氟橡胶气门油封 邢台久诺密封件厂3年 回头率:15.3% 河北 邢台市 ¥35.00成交210个 12279-43G05 曲轴后油封 rear shaft seal 广州成龙汽车油封有限公司13年 回头率:51.9% 广东 广州市花都区 ¥5.00
I have the same problem, have been recommended to replace the “inverter” it is inside the display near the hinges, and a pain in the rear to get to, the display cover is attached by 4 screws (HP zv6000 15.4 WXGA screen) and some super duper sticky tape, I cannopt get the tape ...