2: Call Me Karma Shelly leads the roommates in an attempt to push Judi out of the house while coming to terms with her girlfriend's deployment to Iraq. Judi reaches her breaking point. Monday, August 15th, 2011 3: A Tale of Two Cliques The house begins to split into two groups as...
His positive karma was such that President Harry Truman once declared, "If Bess and I had a son, we'd want him to be just like Jimmy Stewart." "Though if he ever sported that goddamn cowlick, we'd disown him." Though many of his later roles were darker in tone (he did several ...
255.因果报应karma 256.转世灵童reincarnated soul boy 257.喇嘛庙lamasery 258.道教Taoism 259.道观Taoist temple 260.道士Taoist priest 261.关帝庙temple of Lord Guan 262.儒教Confucianism 263.孔子庙Confucian temple 264.孔子Confucius 265.义,礼,智,信,忠,恕,孝,悌rightness, propriety , wisdom , trustworth...