Also, you can no longer right-click the Collection to open the menu, it requires you to open the ellipsis menu, select the menu option, and click again. A waste of time. Microsoft, please allow a setting to disable Start to Collect for those who want the...
Description I've been using spotifyd for a few years now without issue. Just this morning when trying to connect, I got the following error: failed to connect to spotify: Login failed with reason: Bad credentials I am able to login just ...
The receiver receives a slightly scaled down version. CMS (Chrome v114.0.5735.199)42800d 352×288@30.0 (6)420032 3,672×1,536@26.7 (5)Client that is presenting has a profile that is theoretically capped at 768kbit/s Receiving end receives a stream that i...
Thank you for sharing your story! We are really happy that this use of the app has had such impact on your life. And as a new parent I am especially thankful for the idea you gave me for the next time some of us is sick :D ...
Do you have an idea for a solution? How can we reproduce the issue? download the macos-11 or macos-12 Artifact from compress and decompress a macho/amd64 binary from that Artifact Please tell us details about your environment. UPX version...
Jimmy subsequently seeks Mike's advice and is told that he will eventually get through it, but he has started down a road with his choices. Jimmy expresses anger at the idea that Lalo will get away with Fred's senseless murder, but Mike implies that there is a plan in play to deal ...
I didn’t talk a lot aboutVuePress, so I’ll probably save that for another blog post. I will say that I really like the idea of VuePress for building static websites but still having the flexibility of building Vue components and being able to use them throughout the site (I’ll alwa...
Hi, Is there any update on this topic ? All our Bookings pages are showing the "Bad Request" message, no way around it (tried to clean cache, open via OWA,...). Best regards, JBAECK
Chiropractor Josh Axe is a lot like that insect Give him a bad idea and he’ll cling to it like a fly to a windshield in a tempest. Hang on at all costs. Never, ever, let go, despite the obvious outcome. No matter how much the right thing to do would be to let go (of your...
then I installed Big Sur, Catalina, and right now I am on High Sierra. Also I clean/reset already the PRAM and SMC. But nothing works, my device still have a high levels of CPU of system consuming. Any idea? How can I permanently stop those processes. 2 years ago 1333 10 7 ...