Most serpentine belts are meant to last at least 50,000 miles, so replacement doesn’t occur frequently. Still, you want to know the symptoms of a bad serpentine belt, so you know when it’s time to replace it. In this guide, we cover the top symptoms and example the function of the...
it could cause damages to the catalytic converter really fast. Other causes could be contaminants like unburned fuel caused by misfires. Coolant entering the combustion chamber by ablown head gasketcould also cause damage to the honeycomb.
Then you have to carefully remove any remnants of an old gasket between the valve body and the cylinder head and clean the interface without allowing debris to fall into the cylinder head in any way if possible. A new gasket should then replace the old one and this should be fit along wi...
An engine valve works in an intense environment, traveling up and down dozens of times per second in a gaseous atmosphere hot enough to auto-ignite pine wood. The valve slides up and down inside a cylinder head's valve guides with no more than a human hair's worth of clearance. Over ti...
The standard petroleum oil used in automobiles begins to break down the moment the engine is run. The quality of the oil and the additives within it help to keep the rate of that breakdown within an acceptable limit. Despite this, oil will eventually bre